
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Grandmother's Garden

Here is the gift I made for my MIL for Mother's Day using the paper rosettes. The three children shown are mine and the blank ones are for her other grandchildren. I let their mothers pick out the photos and didn't take a picture of the totally finished project. The fence box was created in Design Studio using the Wrap It Up cart. The Grandmother's Garden sign is from Pooh and Friends.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Woo Hoo! Featured on the Cricut Corner video!

A friend sent me this link to this video on You Tube where Shannon showed a couple of the projects I had made for the Atlanta Circle Meet Up! I had seen the video on the Circle blog but didn't know it was out in cyberspace.
I made the Telephone Box to hold the calling cards that Circle members would create to swap with other Circle members and to use as their entry for the door prizes. The telephone parts were cut from the From My Kitchen cart.
The paper shoe(s) I made as a thank you gift for Shannon, Cindy (Circle DT), Deanna (Circle DT) and Teresa Collins (who was our special guest). They were filled with crafty items. They were cut from a file I created in Design Studio.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Paper Shoes for Graduation

I used my paper shoe Design Studio file to make these paper shoes to hold giftcards and other goodies for some new Georgia Tech graduates. The school colors are white and gold and the mascot is the yellow jacket. The tag (which I didn't photograph) says Good Luck As You Step Out Into The World!

There are some other examples of paper shoes in my Project Gallery.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sneak Peek of Rosettes for Grandmother's Garden

I used Design Studio and MS Elegant Cake Art to cut paper strips and make these rosettes for a Mother's Day project for Grandmother. More to come!

Hats Off To Mother

This is a little book I made using PDDU, EDPD and Indie Art and based on a poem I had saved from years ago.
Here is the poem (I changed some of the original lines to fit the project):

Hats Off to Mother
My mother’s job is sometimes hard, and I have heard her say,
"The hours are long, and if I could, I’d like to change the pay."
Her profession has variety, and I will tell you now
About the many hats she wears—and why and when and how.

My mother’s a nurse who fixes and patches
All of my hurts and my sores and my scratches.

My mother’s a chef who fixes each dinner
Fit for a king—a blue-ribbon winner!

My mother’s a chauffeur who drives pretty slow
But gets me to places where I need to go.

My mother’s a detective, and no one is greater
At getting the truth from me sooner or later.

My mother’s a gardener and works really hard,
Planting and weeding and grooming our yard.

My mother’s a maid, at least that’s what she said
‘Cause she cleans up the house and makes every bed.

My mother is truly my biggest fan,
No matter what, she’s always in the stand.

My mother’s a queen—an angel in disguise—
Who teaches grace and dignity, with tears in her eyes.

Today take these hats off, and please wear no other.
Let me do your work, because I LOVE YOU, MOTHER!

A Shrinky Dink Charm

I made this charm (and lots more of them) for the Dallas Stampede using shrinky dinks!