
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Easy Peasy Bat Candy Bar Wrapper

It really is easy peasy since the Cricut cart Artiste has a bat card on it. I wanted the bat wings to be long enough to cover the candy bar, so I used CCR and welded 3 of the card images together to get the length I needed. After that, score and fold around the candy bar!

I've hand cut these before and used google eyes but since these were for an "older" audience, I went with red, beady eyes. I punched small circles and then topped them with a blob of Dimensional Magic by Mod Podge.

The tag was printed on my home printer and used to hold the wings together. Here's a screenshot from CCR showing how I placed the images to weld them to be long enough to wrap around the Hershey bar.

 Happy Halloween!

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