
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mickey Money or Mickey Memories

This was such an easy and  fun project! I saw a similar project on Dollar Crafts and knew right away I had to make one. . .or two. . .or more! So I had my husband finish off a jar of trail mix and found a Mickey Mouse figure.

You glue the Mickey Mouse figure to the top of your container and use spray paint formulated for  plastic to paint it black.

Then, I used vinyl and the Cricut Mickey Font cart to cut the words "Mickey Money". Viola ~ a super cute way to save those coins for a Disney trip!

But since we don't really save our loose change for Disney trips, I decided to change the words for the second jar to Mickey Memories for all those mementos that we always bring home from our trips. If I ever get scrapbooks made, these will go in the scrapbooks. But until then, they will be stored in the Mickey Memories jar!

Which do you prefer. . .Mickey Money or Mickey Memories?


  1. CUTE!!! Hmmmmm...since you asked...I'd like to have the money to go see Mickey & THEN I'd like to have the Mickey Memories jar to put some new memories in : P !

  2. Just perfect for saving up or saving memories.

  3. These are adorable. Love both ideas- money and memories.

  4. I love the Mickey Memories jar since I'm always behind on scrapping my Disney trips! It's a much nicer idea than the piles of keepsakes I have around the house collecting dust. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I enjoyed my visit with you!! I ♥ your fabulous Mickey jars.

    I just had to "follow" you so not to miss anything! It would make me so happy if you would follow me too. :)

    Have a beautiful week!

    Lots of BIG Hugs,


  6. Cute momento container, I think I'll borrow that idea!
