Monday, February 3, 2014

Win a Hello Kitty Greetings Cart!

While cleaning and sorting through some boxes, I found a brand new-still-sealed-in-the-package Hello Kitty Greetings cart! My first thought was "SCORE"! Any Cricut fan knows these carts are selling for $100+ on ebay. And that's for used, and often times linked, carts. So I put it aside, thinking I would post it for sale on ebay. But then I decided I would just give it away to one of my blog followers!

So, the day after I reach 1000 followers, I will pick a winner and they will receive this Hello Kitty Greetings cart. You must follow my blog using the Join this Site option, so it will increase the number of followers shown. If you Follow By Email, that will not change the number of followers and I cannot verify if someone is following by email. If you aren't already a follower, use the Join this Site to follow my blog and leave a comment on this post. If you're already a follower, just leave a comment on this post. That's all you have to do.

When my followers reach 1000, I put all the names of those who are following and have commented on this post "in the hat", draw a winner and send them the Hello Kitty Greetings cart!

Thanks to all who follow my blog, who visit my blog and who leave comments on my posts! Good luck!


  1. wow this is sweet of you to do i really hope i win would love this ty ty hun <3

  2. I've been following your blog by e-mail for awhile now and just joined through your blog itself... I hope! I've never followed a blog any other way but e-mail and I think I did everything correctly.

  3. I was following you by email and didn't realize I wasn't a follower on your blog. so I am now. This is such a wonderful give a way. Thank you!!!

  4. My niece is a huge HK fan(she's5) so she would love this. Thanks Paulette for this chance.

  5. I've been a follower! I love your blog, and I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!!! Its very very sweet of you to give this away.

  6. Just joined and look forward to reading all your blogs :)

  7. I've been a follower. Very generous of you to give away to someone. I don't have it so it would be nice to win. :)

  8. Hey Paulette, I'm already a follower of yours - have been for a while. I love your projects and the info on your blog. You are so very talented. Thanks for always sharing with us!

  9. Meant to add that as of right now you only need 228 more followers which I KNOW you'll get easily!

  10. I have a sneaky suspicion you're going to reach your goal once the word gets out that there's a Hello Kitty on the line. LOL. This will be fun to watch. Good luck to everyone and thank you Paulette for being so awesome (as usual). Cindy

  11. What a sweet, generous thing to do! I'm already a follower. :) Thanks so much for a chance!

  12. I LOVE Hello Kitty. I also love your blog site.

  13. How generous of you to offer this awesome cartridge! I am already a follower, and a big fan! Thanks so much for a chance to win it!

  14. So Glad To Know You have Your Own Page!

  15. Would LOVE the Hello Kitty cartridge. My granddaughters, ages 2 & 3 1/2. love everything HK. Your site is fantastic! Love to check your ideas out and use a lot of them.

  16. How very generous of you to give this cart as blog candy. Thank you so much. I have been an e-mail follower, but guess I never signed up as a follower, all signed up now.

    I am a Circle member.


  17. It's amazing what you find when you reorganize! Count me in for the running :)

  18. I've been following by email but hadn't joined your site...had no idea! So now I am a follower and a joiner! And OMW!!!!! What a fantastic giveaway!!!!

  19. I am following! Would love to win this!

  20. I have followed your blog by email for a long time - didn't know about the joining site. I just joined! It is so generous of you to give this cart away - knowing you could get a lot of money for it. I have a 13 month old granddaughter who absolutely loves HK. Winning this would be wonderful!

  21. I have already been a follower and just signed up for email. Congrats on your wonderful find, if I will I will pay it forward and give away on my youtube channel. Good Luck to everyone! I will also share this post to help you boost up faster!

  22. Ive folled for awhile! This is quite the giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. Love your blog and Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win the Hello Kitty cartridge. I pray I win it. My 2 daughter loves HK.

  24. Woo Hoo! What a great discovery! I would love love love to win!

  25. Thank you for sharing your wonderful find. I would never have found your blog without this giveaway. I joined and am getting your emails now! I really enjoy everything I've seen on your blog so far.

  26. New follower, I hope you reach 1000 soon!
    ♥ Pam

  27. I am a new follower and would really love to win this cart. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
    Kimberly Colson

  28. I am now a follower thanks to Melody Lane. I do not have that cart and would love to win. Thanks for sponsoring the give away and good luck on followers.

  29. I am already a follower.
    Would join again if I could. lol.
    Would love to win this.
    Thanks for your generosity.
    Crafty hugs,
    Dragonfly50 {MB}

    1. I just added your giveaway to my side bar.
      I'm sure I have a follower or two that would be interested in winning this.

    2. Whoo who only 89 more to go.
      I did a post today to let my followers who may not check the sidebar know about your giveaway.

  30. Just joined and posted this on FB; hopefully it will help your goal. Great find! Thank you

  31. Thanks for a chance I love hello kitty I have a adopted Chinese daughter would love me to make her something she loves hello kitty

  32. I think I'm already on your email list, but I am now a follower. Hope you reach your goal! Thanks for the chance to win this much sought after cartridge!!

  33. Love your blog and Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win the Hello Kitty cartridge. I pray I win it. My grand daughter loves Hello Kitty. She has had 4 operations so far on her shoulder for a cyst. Every time she has to have this operation she has to have her arm in a sling and she asked for Hello Kitty one so the kids don't pick on her in school. Her Mom and I make her a new one each time. She is only 5 now but this all started when she was only 3.

  34. Wow, what a cool thing to do! I'm already a follower and already have the cart, so i by chance you draw my name go ahead and give it to someone else!

  35. Love your crafty items you make and I think it's really great of you to give so many the opportunity to win such a great cartridge

  36. I have been a follower of your blog by e-mail for a while now. I love your blog and thanks for a chance to win this cartridge.

  37. Wow!! How sweet. My granddaughter is crazy about Hello Kitty!! Thank you for the opportunity!! Cathi

  38. My daughter adores Hello Kitty!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. I'm signed up both ways now! Generous and special cart for some lucky follower!

  40. This is a fantastic gift and I would definitely like to have my name in the pot! I clicked follow and I know my granddaughter would love for me to win this and make items for her!

  41. Been away for a while but its good to be back ! I thought I was following you but I wasn't (shame on me ) So, now i am following you with just a click..

  42. Nice find! I would love to have my name thrown in the "hat". I did not become a Cricut lover until after the Hello Kitty phase, so therefore am not a fortunate owner of said cartridge. :-) Kim

  43. What an incredibly generous thing to do! Thank you for the opportunity to win! :)

  44. Thank You and very nice giveaway.

  45. You are so awesome! What a great cart! Thank you. I've been following you by email for a while. But, I didn't know I wasn't a "Follower" I am now!!! I love you work. Thanks again
    Kathy U:)

  46. I'm following now. Almost 200 more to go yeah!

  47. Awesome giveaway! I am a new follower but follow you on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

  48. Love your site. Eould lo e yo own tjis as i have looked EVERY WHERE fof it. Have several cjildren at differrnt hospitals thst i visit asking for Hello Kitty.

  49. Great giveaway, I'm now a follower. Thanks for the chance.

  50. What a great find. Love your site.

  51. I'm a new follower. Love your blog. Thanks for a chance to win the Hello Kitty Greetings cartridge.

  52. I would LOVE to win this cart!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

  53. Now following this pretty blog...thanks for the chance to win....I have 3 girls that would be ecstatic!!!

  54. Wow! This is so sweet of you!! I am now a follower. I also appreciate how very helpful you are on the Cricut boards.

  55. Wow, wow, wow! That is super generous!! I can't believe you had a Hello Kitty just laying about. Lol. I agree with Cindy that you will get to your goal. You will have more followers than you will know what to do with.

  56. New follower and new to Cricut! Yay!

  57. Thanks for the chance to win an amazing cartridge. I am a follower

  58. Nice, Paulette! I guess I'm already a member because it knew my name when I tried to join.......

  59. I've been a follower for awhile and already have the cart, so no need to put me in the hat. But I just wanted to let you know that I think it is AWESOME what you are doing and wish EVERYONE good luck! You'll be at 1000 by tomorrow, I'm sure of it. ;-) I cannot believe you had this unopened in a box {for who knows how long!}.

  60. I am following. Put me in the drawing, Please. Good luck everyone.

  61. Awesome giveaway and so generous of you, I am already a follower!

  62. I am a new follower...I love this site, and thank you for all the work you have put into it...I use it often!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  63. Always love seeing your projects!
    Have been a follower for some time now
    Thanks for giving away such a cute cartridge!

  64. Love your blog! Awesome giveaway...thank you for the chance to win!!

  65. clicked to join this site - hope it worked right because I never use or check my Google account. Love the layout of your blog and all my grand daughters would be in heaven if they knew I finally had one of these for them :)

  66. Woo HOO!! 1000 Followers - AMAZING!! So proud that someone so famous is a good friend of mine! Thanks for everything you do! Thanks, too, for the generous giveaway... you're the BEST!!!

  67. Well, I THOUGHT I was a follower, but it didn't know me, so I guess not! Thanks for the chance to win. : ) Christine # 824

  68. Wow! 1000 followers! That's quite an accomplishment! Thanks so much for the chance to win the Hello Kitty cart! I've been wanting that one, but it's so expensive on ebay!!!

  69. I am new to Cricut. Got my used Expression for Christmas & I am having so much fun learning!! I thought I signed up to follow you a few days ago, but apparently not. Hopefully, I'm signed up now! Thanks for the opportunity to learn & win!! :-)

  70. I adore Hello Kitty! What an awesome giveaway!

  71. Thanks for offering this wonderful cartridge. very generous of you. Love your stuff too!

  72. Grrrr not allowing me to follow, just brings me to a blank screen. Would love to win this cartridge. Too expensive to purchase :-(

  73. Thank you for your regular dose of creativity. Hello Kitty is one cart I do not have, YET!

  74. Wow! How very kind of U1 That is an awesome prize! P.s. new follower, Lovin it!

  75. Love your blog and looking forward to what you do in the future

  76. Oh please! Oh please! Oh please!
    Love the Blog!!!

  77. WOW! That's quite the prize...Hello Kitty! This is the 1st blog I've joined and am looking forward to learning a lot from you. All new to email is

  78. I am now a follower. I live in Norway and Cricut is not that popular here. But I love my Cricut and I read about it, learning more from american bloggers sites. So thank you for all your ideas here and the chance to win a cute cartridge.

  79. I am now a follower. I did not know you had a blog until yesterday. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  80. I did not purchase this cart because I had only grandsons, now my granddaughters out number the grandsons I have and I defiantly regret not having purchasing it. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win it. I am now a follower.

  81. I'm a follower. Thanks for a great opportunity to win such an awesome cartridge!


  82. Wow this is so sweet of you
    My grand daughters would love to have cuts from this.
    Thank you

  83. I am now a follower....Thank you for chance to own this neat cart!

  84. Thank you for this opportunity to win a collectable cartridge! You are a wonderful crafter and I am proud to follow your blog!

  85. would love to win this.

  86. I thought I was already a follower, but I guess not, but I am now!!

  87. Good luck I hope you reach your goal.
    Thank you for the opportunity to maybe win this cartridge.

  88. Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway opportunity! I found your blog for the first time a few days ago - I love it! Thank you again! :)

  89. Follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance.

  90. The elementary kids at school say I am the craziest Hello Kitty fan ever! What an awesome chance to win such a rare but outrageously adorable cart! Thanks for all your knowledge about Cricut and the paper crafting world!!!!

  91. What a kind thing to do! I'm following. Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. I follow by email and I have been trying unsuccessfully to join the site. I hope I can make it happen.

  93. I'm #850- you are getting there! Thanks for the chance to win this cute cartridge.

  94. What a generous thing to do! I'm a follower and would love to win this for my sister. Thanks for the chance!

  95. What a nice thing to do!! I'm a new follower and would love to win this cartridge for my girls. I only have ten carts. So thanks for the chance to win.

  96. been getting the emails, didn't realize I wasn't following too...I am now! thanks for all you do for our crafting community!

  97. I've been visiting your site for quite some time. I didn't realize I wasn't following! What an awesome giveaway.

  98. Wow, Hello Kitty! When I lived in Japan, I had never heard of Hello Kitty before, but it sure was a big thing there! Thank you for the opportunity to win this cartridge.

  99. I'm following and would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win this cartridge!!! omg, thank you for doing this and giving us a chance!

  100. I'm already a follower. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  101. I am now a follower! I sure could use this Hello Kitty cart. I can't believe that I never bought it when it was first released.

  102. New follower but not new reader. Thanks for the opportunity to win HK!!

  103. Had the opportunity to buy HK at a scrapbook yard sale - passed it up (really good price too). I thought I would never use it. Now I have a beautiful great-niece and I am kicking myself in the rear-end! Would love to win this!

  104. I cant believe I wasn't already a follower! I am now :)

  105. Wow! What a find and very generous Scraplette! Thanks for the chance to win this great cart!

  106. W H A T ? ? ? ? Wow, Scraplette; what an awesome find! You're up to 860, but I'm sure you will have no problem w/that wonderful giveaway. Thanks so much for your generosity!!

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Paulette- it is so nice of you to do this, you are always so generous with your time and talent. Thank you. :-) Merrie

  110. Awesome! I had this bookmarked in my favorites as I reference it often before I purchase a cartridge. No other site is better for that. With this thoughtful offer of the Hello Kitty, you have forced me into learning a little bit more about these social sharing sites and for that I thank You from the bottom of my heart! Happy Crafting!

  111. I thought I was already following you but I guess not! : D

  112. It definitely pays to clean once in a while... LOL

    Thanks for the giveaway, Scrapalette. Good luck reaching the big 1000 (not that you'll need it).

    Scrappy Vee xx

  113. I have been trying all week to sign up as a follower. I finally did it!

  114. Great find Scrapalette, and what a great giveaway. I am an old follower love all your projects. Thanks for the chance of winning my dream cartridge. MariaReyes1

  115. Great give away......thank you for the chance to win.

  116. I didn't know e-mail subscriptions didn't count, I has now been fixed ,this is a very generous giveaway. I'm sure you will reach your goal in no time.

  117. Thanks for this opportunity! Great to know there are awesome people in the world still

  118. First time at you blog. I absolutely love it. Such nice clean line projects!

  119. Oh my, Scrapalette, what a generous thing for you to do!!!! I would love the opportunity to win and I am following your blog.
    Thank you kindly,

  120. I also thought I was already following you,but I am now! :) Thank you so much for deciding to give away this adorable cartridge!! I have 5 granddaughters and 3 of them are huge HK lovers!! It would be totally awesome if won this to cut such cute HK images to ad to their sb pages. :)

  121. Im a follower and have been for a long time. I can't believe you didn't know you had a second HK cart! You're priceless!


  122. Not sure if I was a follower before, but I am now! How generous of you to give away this cart! IT's on my wish list but I sure won't pay an exorbitant amount for it!

  123. Fingers crossed. Great blog by the way.

  124. I would so love this cart. Good luck on getting to the 1,000 mark.

  125. Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge. Been on my "want" list for a long time.

  126. I have been looking for this cartridge. I've been bidding on eBay and always loose. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  127. Thanks so much :) for the chance to win! i would love to get this cartridge and decorate my class room.

  128. I joined, well at least I think I did it right. It is very thoughtful of you to do this considering you could have sold this for alot of money, and may you have many followers in the future!

  129. Thanks so much! Would love this!

  130. Just joined, excited for you, hope you get there soon :)

  131. I am already a follower. Thanks for a great giveaway and advance congrats on reaching 1,000 followers :-)

  132. Just joined! I would love to win this cart, I have been watching Hello Kitty on Ebay hoping someone would sell it for less than $100, but no such luck! Hopefully you will reach 1,000 soon.

  133. I've been a follower for some time. I'd love to win this cartridge. Thanks for the opportunity.

  134. great site ive visited several times id love to win this cart

  135. #880 and by email as well

  136. I've been following you via Feedly....NOW....I am following via the line...thanks for clarifying...I want my favorite blogs to be recognized and counted ")

  137. Great find! I love to empty something I have put up for a while. Its like Christmas!

  138. I'm a new cricut owner and would love to add this cartridge to my small but growing cart library. Thank you for the opportunity.

  139. I;m a new follower, would love the Hello Kitty Cartridge. Good luck to all!

  140. Love thos blog! You are so creative thanks for teaching!

  141. Love your blog! We could all learn so much from you. Thanks for sharing

  142. I check your blog frequently, but now I am officially a follower. I would love to win the Hello Kitty cartridge. Thanks for the opportunity and for sharing your ideas with us.

  143. I am officially a follower now and figured out how to sign in to make comments:) I would love to win this Hello Kitty cartridge, my daughter loves Hello Kitty. Thank you for the chance to win.

  144. I just found your blog. Love that you share your ccr. Thank you. Helping you get to 1000 followers!!!!!!

  145. What an awesome find!

  146. Hope you reach your goal! And I hope you draw my name!!! Thanks

  147. Wow, what a great opportunity to win! Thanks for being so generous. Hope you reach your goal.

  148. Thank you! I would love to win this cartridge :)

  149. WOW I have been wanting this cart for a LONG time for the grand-kids. Thanks for the chance to win.

  150. I am officially a follower now. TTF

  151. I will be happy to help you reach your goal. You are my "go to" girl on the Cricut Message Board, and you have helped me time and time again. I know this blog will be a good one!!

  152. Happy to help!!!!! Surprised you are giving away this cartridge. Hopefully it goes to a good home and not to E-bay and someone charge $200 for it!!!!!!

  153. Wow! What a find! I've been wanting the Hello Kitty cart. for a long time, but wow is it expensive! I hope I win it!! Thanks for giving it away! I'm loving searching your site!

  154. Love your blog, love your work, love your willingness to help. You are a saint.

  155. Good luck to everyone, this looks like a cool blog to follow.

  156. Wow been trying for years to get this cart! This so awesome of you please add me in the hat and wish me luck!

  157. Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!

  158. I love Hello Kitty! What a great idea for a giveaway!!

  159. Thank you for the opportunity. Great ideas on your site.

  160. Rose said,
    I'm a Follower now! Officially Join I have been Confirm! I been coming to your blog for a long time yrs! It was for a blog hop that I found you!
    I love your blog.Please put me in for HELLO KITTY GREETINGS CARD CARTRIDGE I would sooooooooo love to win it.

  161. Morning everyone. I have just ordered my first cricut and would love to have this Hello Kitty cartridge. I'm very excited to be following this blog. Crafters are such nice people and your willing to offer this gift is just proof of that.

  162. OMG How can you part with that cartridge (Hello Kitty ADDICT here) good luck on 1000 followers :)

  163. I am a follower and I do enjoy your Blog. Thanks for the giveaway.

  164. WhAT A GREAT PRIZE!! Congrats on nearing your 1000 followers I have been one for a long time. Have a great day
    DIANA L.

  165. Please, please pick me. I want this so bad but will not pay the price.

  166. My granddaughters love Hello Kitty! And this would be a great gift for my birthday coming up!!!
    I am looking forward to exploring your blog more for some wonderful ideas!

  167. My granddaughters love Hello Kitty! And this would be a great gift for my birthday coming up!!!
    I am looking forward to exploring your blog more for some wonderful ideas!

  168. Oh I love my Hello Kitty. I would LOVE to win this.

  169. Oh yeah! I would love to win this cart. Have been a follower for awhile.

  170. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great cart!

  171. I would love to win this cartridge to make some things for my daughter in law. She is so good to me and I would love to show her how much I appreciate her. She is a real Hello Kitty fan.

  172. How sweet of you to give this away. Thanks for the chance to win!

  173. I have been a follower for a while. Love what you do. Meet you at circle meeting in Macon. I will always remember the tornado. I love Hello Kitty and have been wanting this forever. Please pick me. I want to win.

    Joelene Haun
    Jhaun519 at aft dot net

  174. I just started following and glad I did. So nice of you to give this away. Ive been watching this cartridge on ebay for awhile, would love to have it!

  175. I love all of your Cricut creations and look forward to seeing what you do with the Explore. It is so nice of you to have this giveaway.

  176. I just started following your site. I used to pop in and peek around. Glad to be a followers now. Thanks for the chance to win.

  177. I have been trying to get this cartridge for quite sometime now but at an affordable price. FREE Give away sounds perfect to me. What a great addition this would be to my collection. Good luck me! Thank you. BTW... looking through your site, I believe this will be a great asset to me.

  178. I have just joined you site, and I am excited to see all your great creations.

  179. I have always loved all of your creativity and knowlege on the Cricut MB. You were my inspiration to give all of this a try 3 years ago. Thanks!

  180. Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge and for your generosity!!!

  181. Thanks for the chance to win! I really appreciate all the helpful and encouraging posts from you on the Cricut Message Board.

  182. This comment has been removed by the author.

  183. This comment has been removed by the author.

  184. Thank you Scrapallet for all the good things you do to help others out with learning their Cricuts, and for hosting Mania3 and the soon to be Mania4. Wish I could come to one of your hosted events. I am a follower and Fellow Circlet MB crafter. What a Lovely thing you are doing to offer such an awesome item to one lucky person. Keep up the Awesome work with helping others Hun
